Radical Inclusivity

Radical inclusivity means that, recognizing that we are all “one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28) we affirm our equality in the family of God and in this congregation regardless of social status, education, race, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental ability, physical ability, position, or any other distinction.

We are a congregation open to all persons who are seeking to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and who desire to pattern their lives after the life and teachings of Jesus. Recognizing that we are all “one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28) we affirm our equality in the family of God and in this congregation regardless of social status, education, race, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental ability, physical ability, position, or any other distinction.

We believe that we have been created by God to live in community and led by the Spirit to join with this congregation. Together we affirm, practice and celebrate these historic Baptist principles, including:

  • The right and power of the local congregation to make its own decisions and to function in partnership with freely chosen affiliations. As such the local congregation owns its own property and has the power to ordain and call its own leaders.
  • The priesthood of all believers, affirming that each individual is competent to make decisions in matters of faith in conversation with community.
  • The separation of church and state while encouraging individual participation and a prophetic presence in the public arena.
  • Being guided by scripture we affirm the freedom and responsibility of the local congregation to assist individuals in the ongoing interpretation of the Bible as led by the Holy Spirit.
  • Openness to the ongoing revelation of God in the world.
  • The observance of the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Believer’s Baptism.
  • Commitment to the ongoing education of members and ministers in training.

As a member of this fellowship, I will seek to live out the following commitments:

  • I will gather regularly with the church to worship God, share the message of God in Christ Jesus, and continually examine its implications for my life.
  • I will study the Bible, meditate, and pray as I seek to more fully experience the presence and direction of God in my life.
  • I will also be sensitive to God’s message as it comes to me from history, the arts, nature, current events in the world, and other people.
  • I will be responsible to God through the creative use of all my income and possessions. I will give regularly to the financial support of our church’s ministry and missions endeavors.
  • I will discover, and affirm the talents, skills and spiritual gifts God has given me and use them in God’s service; and I will evoke, and celebrate those talents, skills and gifts God has given to others.
  • I will seek to reconcile relationships and minister to spiritual, physical, and emotional needs, within this congregation and in the larger community, recognizing the freedom and dignity of personal convictions within the bonds of unity.